Tuesday, October 20, 2009

a WORD for the TWITTER'd Blogspottery

I love Twitter. And while I'm sure I know why, that's not what matters. But I wonder how it be that I can't ever find any of my personal friends there. They don't want that much need to communicate with worlds of words and impressions of the instant thinkerry devolving there. They want more than just 140 splaces to align entire congruent statements, and not spliced up and partings 1/2-er'dtz.

I will a helm'd splace be aligned for all facebookers who routine use the same mentality...and just let them place their minds into neutral or auto-pilot, so they can get used to how Twitter DEMANDS just a few bits of moments to retrieve an also immediate comment.

But and HOWEVER...it's the phoney will not to will others to see one's percieved an private comments that they'd prefer held at bay...but for me and my thoughts...we will server aTWittErtz, and that's THAT.