Was it just ANY need for calcium pills or removing a fancy for chocolate or was it just that I was not getting the magnesium pretense they said would help to 'break down' a calcium[pill just preciser than the body wasn't able to do it for myself... and just WHAT was that HEALTH problem I had when the voices suddenly emerged to triumph over MY own will to strengthen heart and brain??

One said: Too much copper in the bloodsteam requires the abandonment of all your CARROT intake. Well, That should be simple enough. I stopped eating carrots. EVER. But then my ego was angry, for CARROTS were and after all my favorite veg-Get-a-Bolt. However there was that ONE minor lil thing I wasn't noticing about my diet tp unleashed the prevailing voices of the brains input(hearing unbiddenthoughts) / output (mouth/speaking) for receiving and dispatching my own life's opinions against a brains willpower to say against any right to tell it as I will'd the output for myself or another to know or feel just how I felt so say.
WHEAT TOAST... Too much wheat in my diet at that long ago (thus failed to remember) time frame ... gave me SPRU. Spru is nothing more than just a Celiac Disease invitro which trimmed by a medicine called aTHE "gravity of the input of those who think voices are all from evil and demon posessed sorcery"-- which and did claim my own and overtly trained to be a religious thinking brain to think as well.
But the pursuing of valuable tips by a batch of medical professionals that knew too well just HOW a voice gets a presence in the brain...for the hair and follically deprived of same who gel'd their skulls to make fibrous mechanismo commence the concurrent blessing for just LOOKING like they hadn't lost their scalp priviledge for fighting against non-manhood ensuings but/and corruptible failed to tell us: They too very GEL's had found out that all were gaining voices which told them things they hadn't known either... all for the placement of such Gel laden fiber that announced COULDs and woulds for a spectacular return of a psychic priviledge they only merely THOUGHT they had lost.
Whall, GANG. You are not a posessor of life's right to judge another's well-being by usurping them with your lousy think to have a right to comment for your own self preservation NOT to have such a dilemma in thr brains. For those with voices get them from several sources...NONE of which are demonic of THAT person's cause...but for a fact, are a blessing to them exclusive of your right to know how.
But to willfully play with the hearts of these determined THEMZ with voices, and you demand against your own life. FOR their voices are the very vibes that come out of The PSYCHIC impositioning hearts of the loved ones of THESE to will out against YOU?. Not so, for, if you don't permit THEM to survive, by your criticisms they will not enable the voices which absolutely PROTECT YOUR FEELINGS and will for cheer... to make their point as well. Their will is never to supercede YOUR demand...but your ruthless will is otherwise.
Stop this. Listen for a moment. My voices came from multiple head injuries in my youthful capacity to always attempt something out of my skill and coordination level... but a few when I was hit over the head with a baseball bat (intentionally by school bully at the daytime playground level of 6th grade interaction) or falling out of the 8 foot high bunkbed when sleeping, and onto the garage cement floor in the middle of the night before T-givings next day (which I didn't wake for till 3pm)... and 5 or six other such head-fracturing demisements of part or all of some of the brain fiber YOU get to have for excelled financial dealings for not having been bridaled with as have I....YES. My brain devised (for a wealth of copper as a redhead for the hyper capacity to have more electrical connections that thou...but of the varied and sprouting sort...NOR...for a lot of blissings against WHEAT germ sandwiches 4 times a day for 3 years to please those who hounded me that DIET (via some notion that WHEAT MUST be the base of) is the bliss for cheer in this life-- and thence the retributive head injuries last mentioned but first to occur... Not even a millionth of what these head injuries have done can be excluded fromthe trial in my life for not having a capacity to shut up when importance enters a room....can ever/never be understood against itself.
ALL of these supplied the reason for the voices that cram themselves daily into my head. NO, I have never done drugs, never kissed a married man... that wasn't to be my husband and NEVER have I abused myself with some notion that a person with voices allows constant and uncontrolled contact with others of a sexual deviancy. BUT, my voices accordingto you have said otherwise...And to the contrary--DO, and sustain me to keep away from such as would want/will that contemptably gnarphticular grumblince.
BUT, a skull wills to commit to helping a person with the dilemma I had...and mine willed to make circumlocutions about the brain...and where the nerves failed to connect correctly for scar tissue...and the metallic conducting of too much word-linked phrases against my clearer understandings... and ultimately....THE very fact that I willed to be well and sought the treatments of medicine and religiously empowering aids to assist me...I have come off conqueror. And YOU WILL NOT forbid my opinion from existing, nor will to claim I have no right to one. FOR I am maintaining my brains at the exclusion to my own will to have a personal life. I diss all around me that would satisfy me personally...just to maintain the brain's status quo to will to control itself against the ruthless half that churns out voices at rate you will not to understand. FOR the psychic part of my brain cells that are brought to life by the will and selfishness of others...are a hinderance and crank against my cheer...and abound there ungratefully against me.
For this was my treatment: to eat LESS green vegables, enabled me to eat more MEAT. Such meat with a folic acid environ, enable to score helps on a constant basis allowing the brained and peaceful centered need for protein to enable control MY own thoughts to score against the word systems and regimes of the FEELINGS or psychic mind enabled side (which is quite determined not to cheer me OR you) Cream and Milk or cheese were added back in, but with skill. For too much would hazard the heart's need for less. But to be sure...a BRAIN cannot and doth not have enough of that for it's daily use fails for an obviouser balanced will to see...GRAVITY pulls those very helps for a brain...to the ground...and sow forthed.
What possible impact has a diet on health? Has the choice of food stuffs upon your brained willpower to survival against all voices against you? Even those not your own that are directed from the will and malice of /for others to will to continually control one such as me/or any other? THESE are not tested precepts against ME, but in FAVOR of my right to knwo, and not your pretense to merely dispatch as if no one has a right to say what is evil from the brains of the usurped cranium of THAT much injury to a soul's life but the 'yourselves' of the demonic interpretived demisementals.
Thus. I will not hear you any more but that MY right to say the context from which my own life experienced prevailed not to shallow my own experiences as you put yours broadly forth to be more spectaculary important, as if that should allow ALL thr reasoning to compel nerth DEMAND ascent toward a favored will to deny a support of this over abundance of challenge for life long and daily happenstance the drained brain.
My daily trial is not removed with YOUR influence to force one of my pain or predictamental to make us (head injury/coppertone minded primarilies) take a regime drugs which are tried and tried against factmental shaping of this one will to know for sure: THEY NEVER TAKE away a voice nor train a brain to know how to dis one of any negative component...Nor do they prevent one from saying stupid things. These were /are just not abated by that kind of treatment. NOR do you have a right to claim such, for you have not tried nor attempted the thugging of your good nature, nor the illness that floods the sense of wellbeing otherwise held by me in my life on a continual basis.
This reproof is not justified and you may not impute your half-hearted willingness to claim it is. NOR may you say well "THAT was those drugs, they have newer ones that work..." these prove , and have proven only to be name changes for the substitution came from the law suits necessitating over use of worthless mindblanding...BLANDING mind you...BLANDING out the creativity of the souls of worth that had a varied mind for cheering others... artists, and musicians and composers of harpsounds of beauty and worthwhile commitment to storing such talents to disburse later when an apology might be forthwithing.
Lovely Day. Or isn't THAT your impression EITHER?