With not one moment for the corporeal reasoning inclusion for the cortext of a brains will to breathe inbetween the assaults we all have been ordered to esteem for our own lacks of talent, particularly the kind allowing one to ever PURCHASE that top notch equipment that all too often yeilds pittling little as far as revoltingly charming art/design pretensuerry goes. All they ever include with those types of blogs bees the vulgar need for asymmetrical faces in all edges of the corners of the frame...without one space to breathe....Whew. Am I glad! I'm not capablurred by that ever-sown-too-muched need for a photo.. .otherwise... I'd have choked out long ago, all of my own good sense and 'larnin' and make for THEIR pretense to have more fun with their families for having more suppies of photo and tekky instruments not to disclude any of the shorter malfunction for a memory chip to fail to include any toleration for such with suspiciously overbaring and bigger need for spacious pixelations all engulfed in the accommodation of one small face not e'n 1/4 the actual size of the production's capacity to show it all by shoving into the face of the unsuspecting passer-blog reader-by.
So I have to resort (even with my college departmental training and 15 years+ of on-a-spot delivery of photoworks fit for the publishing arms of wherever...), I and me -- yet resort to pulling out a pen and clumsy art program to make brief stick figured faces that blurb out and "GOTCHA" with some mind toward MY will that the words in this case, have a million-to-none chance for meaning more than that "picture worth 1.000..." might OR, I may just sastifrighten them with one small 2 x3" flikpik. While having lesser the capacity to be enlarged than a willfuller purse might trap them into believing I'd willed to have, I've invented another will just to thrive for saying what I WANT TO say, and NOT what THEY want you to believe is what I NEED to have SAID.
HONESTLY... I don't WANT you to know any of MY family THAT well. The rest of us overpowered emotionarries are quite content to be satisfied that you know THAT part of us as little as possiblurred.
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