You've never heard what the ides of March harvested for one young KING and his FAV-0-right companion in the doom of disturbings for perturbing aHIS one thought too much beseeched? Go for it. Try Wikipedia...then maybe just Googler 'er... say "mark anthony" too much though, and it won't quite take on any perspective that "julius caesar" might to make an impression on one's heart FIRST and foremorst.
Then try just one name after the first two: one "cleopatra". That'll get yer dander up. Then try a new perspective...SEE what Bill (Willski) thrBard Be SHAKESPEARE hath to say on the topic...and we'll all be safer a nation for not wanding that info too sooner.
Eh tu BRUTE'?
Blurbs be burptler! That's what I'm here for.
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