Thursday, September 24, 2009

OneThing that One Doesn't Want to Know about a Choice with JunkFood

I loved CrackersJacks when I am in need of a fix of sugar. But why all the melodrama about fixing plates of cookies or having a huge milkshake at Gramma'sDriveThru with fresh peaches from who knows where? (CaSH Valley?--no that's the raspberry thang.)

Precisely the point. But what about the CrackerJacks. It's the MEMORY of that flavor that livens our hearts. So not much is needed to quell my hankerin just fer SOMETHING w flavour. These little packages of cheer are surprisingly cheaper than yer moms' need to get you to park at her kitchen table for two hours to get the required response that pleases HER alone. She's demonitioned all the flavor with the substitutes for/with wheatgerm pancakes and hollocaust hamburgling; soybean swaps and gnarphs against childhood memory.

So what's the use? I just pick up a FAV package of CrackerJacks or Cheetos when they are up for grabs...and they do me a fix for 3 or 4 days just to leav'm in the glove compartment or side pack of whatever...Esteems my need for blank'n-thr-brain one more time. The one or two-palmer is a getter to go... and the 5 plate full can get me to stay with ther cooky-crumbler recipe wiffn's all thr ingreed-herments.

Yuh still have to stick around for aWife & Visit theMOMs though.


What can't be said about the things that make the hair-on-the-back-of one's neck stand out too high not to think the very hackles on your own FAV animal are feelin it too. Dog, cat & that strange feller stalkin you... thr dopplegangly shadow maybe as well. Whatever that FAV pet of yourn be...Golf Score; Favorite SteakHouse goneTuhBliss; GeorgeOrwellianDevizings appear... we've all been there with a chilling thought or a strange moment that stands unique with all forces engaged with a focus.

When I saw that word hackles written on the side of a manned truck a few months ago...I was surprised and wondered what it applied in their reputation for business Name'nCultured specie... and to further surprise me was to read it soon thereafter in the local book club nuance that likes the dorpy choice: I read an old favorite mystery from my own collected The HARDY BOYS entice where they teamed against an expert hound what, with the aid of his hackles higher up for noticing a cat in fault...prevailed against my will never to think of what that word strictly meant...

But thinking they spelled it wrong...I rearranged my thinking to accommodate for whatever might look right here to be hear'd.... which is ENTIRELY what THIS blog Be about.

Having a right to make spelling mistakes about things too important NOT to care whether it wasn't aMaterial to the topic IS what I be for.

"I be Hakkled er Hacker'd" now Wrangles-a-Brain here for your support-- to chortle back with the Waad-Evers, so the HACKLES on yer own back can standle it.