Wednesday, April 14, 2010

FOR whatever the reason, I'll GIVE in to telling...

FOR whatever the reason, I'll GIVE in to telling... how it was that I got into this mindblame thinkeuree that smells of distrust of an entire American System gone too much in need of an alternate way to control mass amounts of money they think will continue to be their, just at the will of a President's whelming over at himself and his power to think no evil of too much giving out from HIS (pretense, cough) COUNTRY : U.S. to those outside the rivers and boundaries that we hailed as not to much need to even VISIT their for an arbitrary will never to be quite educated enug to avoid their stealth against personal invites.

Now that THAT's been said. Any clues on how to recover the now baseless presumptive will not to have invlentived too much nurance for an economy that wills to be lead by women alone? That's not the trouble to be dealt with too sooner than later now, HON? Like aTHE GOD of WISDOM wasn't warning YOU and I of the merits of NOT letting that occur with a voice too loud to shake the very WARMth from your cellular cold to even protect you from unwise overuse?

GAWD, now I hate myself for not caring enough to simply state that we could use our electronic concerned attachment for over rating a cellular need to IMMEDIATELY call someone...when the will to keep ground lines improves the scenary with a little more green stuff called leafy treetops and oxygen stuffs that aren't deployed against themselves ner harmed by the berating and targetted higher levels of sound waves that intricately ban the lower levels of atmosphere from the warmth they deserved and needed to keep a heart combustiblurting at the next person on the other end of the LINE. The GROUND line phone that is. No Cellphone EVER merits what we have elevated them as accomplishing. NEVER have. NEVER WILL>

But for one reason will I punch the PUBLISH POST button: for knowing that no one on the entire earth cared about this one soul, and that means you never read my blogs, and don't bother'll be my last for keeps.

WHEN HARVAN'dz not for SAYn TOO MUCH these DAYS...

WHEN HARVAN'dz not for SAYn TOO MUCH these DAYS... but, and when JANE kicks in to fill in the sparce simallee'dz n methaphlorical redicUl''s for two reasons, but MERELY two...and just hold on and We'll place them right here in front of the eyeballs, EVENTUALLY. But while I surmise that with just saying SOMETHING, someone will think "he's alright...just letting off a little steam" we'll suppose THAT is the very thing that needed to be done to make things all right when it's NOT.

My peeps are not your peeps, my idol thoughts ahem... yeah the AMERICAN IDOLry of contempt of a heart and purse string is that they LAUD their accomplished tours to wherever by using YOUR penny pinching efforts to bask in their/any pretense to have shared something of worth with another place on the planet as being just a lil trickle of what they needed to make them the happiest kingdom on earth...WHAT? Yep, they load up the trucks that turn onto the tarmac and take your precious dimes and pennies which they can only ASSUME now that you've inherited and will smurf the planetary dividings to get more for THEM and theirs alone.... and taken all their little NON-muffin brains chibs to HAPPY DALE at YOUR evil need and arrogance to CAPRICE the lovularital wand for chorf at some DISNEY happiness, not even in your own state that might glean a fraction of a tax based merit system they never divulge to cleary cut out your entrails of cheer...

For only a fraction of these monies they IDOL'eed empatis you to warrant against yourself...are all gone to the GLADness of them, not their health, not their clothing (unless it's merely G rated like your own evil thought bade you to relinquish AS IF...there weren't those around your in copious crowds that have HAD to devolve to that seismic stratagem YOU prefer to merely substitute as a shorter and merely tolerant level for sacrifice for rid yourself a need of jacket, even? ARE YOU CRAZY? ARE YOU MAD? You have let them take your very body's warmth to liven your heart and glad your soul for your own right to have EARNED and worked and FILTHIED your brains in THEIR overt will to judge you now as a thing of not because you let them see how much you didn't care for your own plantary look-alikes, and you staved your fell-owed dna pattern constiuents from having what THEY were cruely deprived by your selfishness to endlure.

Just can't work myself up to the a./b. or 1.2. and now even 3rd reason I'm not too quite happy with things as they seem today FOLKS. You lilly livered bastards and your selfish need to 'sacrifice' what you percieve OTHERS have...and not the crap of your own design to accomplish to acquire. That's how it is shaken out now "in the house with your friends", HON.

Now we all get to know how the expression "WHEN HELL FREEZES OVER"...look at what part of the planet they'll be referring to.