Monday, February 8, 2010


Whell, if a blast from the past ever hurt anyone...It's the prior memories for how simple the outfits, (ahem:) THE COSTUMES for the regally enROYALED practice and even WARMUP for detallian gnarpht as the professional and amateur ski/skaterly manifestation of who a/THE more likelier advance wisdom of a WINNER might warm up the palms for NOT changing the channel when THEIR outfits arrive...THEN YOU HAVE no need to watch...

or ISN'T aTHAT the plan any more. For the mere title of preUSssessing "COMPULSERY" acrobatics for simplert-than-thou informatives that we the views NEVER GET TO SEE TO intimate WE've no skill at determining how low the level for nonsense might GET just to make sure the advanced information of WHO's got the legal name for rights to being previewed by aTHE right judges... all for the following reason: NO BODY cared after the bilked our brains of the last RIGHTful AMERICAN skater to debunk a title that the frillier gal from what's it's skopt might have the proper regalia on the triumphant podium for suitidge.

So, and according to MY annual custom for love of fashion design and skull duggin RIGHT of PROGENITOURTz... I hear by declare aTheMY FAV outfit/design/costumuree in advance.

BUT, P.S. --woudn't you know it...MY PERSONAL design and stylings and original art to BOOTee'

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