Saturday, December 5, 2009

THOSE SEVEN THINGS Dost a LORD hatense with a fierceness that e'en the I can identifrightents another's withing...

I gotcher admitski this one thing. OF all the scriptures I've had to share with another's religion, I wast quite taken-the-aback, (or FOR a RIDE) when I heard a couple of news casters of late yesteryears this same decade... revealing what aCatholic's impression of the said the above scripture might entail to read-a-cule another from any justifrightensk that the political wand for realming our appetite for a sudden HAVE TO INTERPET THIS LAW THIS WAY PLEASE... wasn't the merriment I had supposed.

You linger a little longer in MY space of the universe as an artist, and you begin to SEE things in verse and sacred writtensk as NOT what originally claimed for general thinkski at all... it was puzzling whence my very an FAV news media pundant in the shape of Tim Russert at the helmry of MEET THE PRESS was of a will to observe one fainter Sabbath than most...which surprise the Hell out of all of the rest of us, no doubt NON-Catholics for observing HIS interpretation of a verse that day...wasn't the LEAST bit comforting.

And While I will not devolve the particulars...I am laughing still. You may yourself will to peak at them (the SEVEN THINGS) an appropriate moment today (or some other time when you THINK you are in the realms of heavenly inspiration, and suddenly declare to another...OH! or rather OOPS! Then have a chuckle with aThe REST of us.

I simply was unaware of these contextual dissemilarities for such verses I thought to be quite cut and dried.

(relevance to topic is this sequence of verses commencing at Proverbs till doomed)

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